About the Project

Drawing by Jerry Englar

Inspired by the pebble mosaics of friend Maggy Howarth of Cobblestone Designs in England and recognizing the need for a more attractive and functional public space at the heart of our community, a few Toronto Islanders have took on this project on Ward's Island. It involved removing the existing concrete and asphalt in front of the clubhouse and installing a piazza with plants, shade, water, and space for meeting, sitting, and community events. At the centre of the piazza is a pebble mosaic, 12' in diameter, depicting our island. It was be created by islanders over the winter of 2010-11, and installed in the spring of 2011.

Phase 2 of the Willow Square Project was installed in July 2012 and planting in the many new beds began soon after.

The final part of the project involves the restoration of a Victorian landing stage. This wrought iron structure was originally situated beside the Eastern Gap and served as a waiting area for steamboat passengers. It is currently undergoing reconstruction, and will grace the eastern end of Willow Square. We are hoping for installation in the summer of 2013.

Revised Site Plan Oct 2011